
Moxy takes central stage
30 April 2019

Moxy takes central stage

“We now have about 30 hotels in Europe and another 70 in the pipeline,” said Markus Lehnert the regional vice president of International Hotel Development Marriot International during the 10th Hotel Investment Conference organised by Eurobuild CEE together with Hotel Professionals Management Group in the Moxy Warsaw Praga hotel. He went on to ...
Muzeum Polskiej Wódki i Hotel Moxy Warsaw Praga - atrakcje 10. Konferencji Inwestycji Hotelowych
23 April 2019

Muzeum Polskiej Wódki i Hotel Moxy Warsaw Praga - atrakcje 10. Konferencji Inwestycji Hotelowych

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. W tym roku konferencja inwestycji hotelowych jest wyjątkowa nie tylko pod względem formuły. Przewidujemy również ciekawe atrakcje dla uczestników. Po ...
An honest look at the main issues for the hotel sector
11 March 2019

An honest look at the main issues for the hotel sector

The most urgent problems and challenges facing the hotel sector will be up for discussion on April 25th at The 10th Hotel Investment Conference organised by Eurobuild CEE, in cooperation with consultancy Hotel Professionals and Marriott International. The main experts and players of the hotel market will debate such topics as the increase in ...
Rynek kwitnie
15 May 2018

Rynek kwitnie

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. 18 kwietnia 2018 roku w Centrum Nauki i Techniki EC1 w Łodzi odbyła się konferencja poświęcona tematyce inwestycji na rynku hotelowym i biurowym. W tym roku ...
Łódź z dala od biurka i po godzinach
7 May 2018

Łódź z dala od biurka i po godzinach

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Centralna lokalizacja, dynamicznie rozwijająca się gospodarka, zaplecze akademickie, liczne i ciekawe atrakcje turystyczne i kulturalne – to wszystko ...
Banks go local in pursuit of developers
27 April 2018

Banks go local in pursuit of developers

Banks are currently awash with money and are not short of projects to lend it to. It is therefore of no surprise that many office developments in many cities are currently being financed. Office developers are trying to meet tenant demand by constructing many new projects, with the largest of them having many projects under construction in many ...
Promised land for service centres
27 April 2018

Promised land for service centres

Łódź has one of the lowest office vacancy rates in Poland, according to ABSL’s latest data. The research shows that around 60 pct of the demand on the market is being generated by corporations opening service centres, with more than 20,000 people now employed in the BPO/SSC sector in the city. “There is already more than 450,000 sqm of office ...
Investing in education
25 April 2018

Investing in education

Until recently the market has barely existed. However, because of the high number of students n Poland (1.3 mln) and a high level of investment, the sector is currently blossoming. The supply of student halls in Poland is still quite low and there is not enough product to provide for the basic living needs of students. It’s a niche that investors ...
Łakome kąski Łodzi
24 April 2018

Łakome kąski Łodzi

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Łódź staje się coraz atrakcyjniejszym miastem pod lokalizację nowych hoteli. Nowe obiekty w drodze i potencjał na pięć gwiazdek. Inwestorzy odkryli ...
A city woven anew
23 April 2018

A city woven anew

The city of Łódź is undergoing rapid redevelopment similar to that which it saw in the second half of the nineteenth century. The formerly industrial area in the centre of the city is being transformed into prime office and retail space. This is happening due to the billions of złoty being invested by both the local authorities and by private ...
Polish hotel sector straining to meet the demand
20 April 2018

Polish hotel sector straining to meet the demand

The hotel market has been picking up added momentum due to GDP growth and the development of the BPO/SSC and MICE sectors and as a result investors are trying to keep up with demand. Such were the findings of hotel panel at the 9th Hotel and Office Investment Conference Łódź Rediscover, which took place at EC 1 in Łódź on April 19th, 2018. “We ...
16 April 2018

Make your appointment before the conference!

We encourage you to contact other conference participants before the event. Thanks to the system we are providing, participants will be able to communicate with each other before the conference and make appointments on the day of the conference. For more information, please visit the MatchMaker website. Make your appointments before the ...
Rośnie grono Partnerów
10 April 2018

Rośnie grono Partnerów

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. 9. Konferencja Inwestycji Hotelowych i Biurowych cieszy się dużym zainteresowaniem rynku, co pokazuje rosnące grono firm wspierających wydarzenie. Do ...
Konferencja zagości w EC1
3 April 2018

Konferencja zagości w EC1

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Tegoroczna Konferencja Inwestycji Hotelowych i Biurowych odbędzie się w Centrum Nauki i Techniki EC1, przy ulicy Targowej 1/3 w Łodzi. Centrum Nauki i ...
Kolejne firmy wśród partnerów
22 March 2018

Kolejne firmy wśród partnerów

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Konferencja Inwestycji Hotelowych i Biurowych, która odbędzie się 18 kwietnia w Łodzi, cieszy się coraz większym zainteresowaniem rynku. Do grona ...
Hotel conference moves to Łódź
27 February 2018

Hotel conference moves to Łódź

This year’s Hotel Investment conference organised by Eurobuild Conferences is for the first time to take place outside Warsaw – and so anyone interested in the event is invited to attend in Łódź on April 18th. The programme for this year’s conference has been widened to include a section devoted to office investment, which is why the name of the ...
14 March 2017

First exhibitor for 8th Hotel Investment Conference

We are pleased to announce that the first exhibitor has just been secured for the event’s exhibition area. Saint-Gobain, which has been one of the most important foreign investors in Poland for over 20 years, has chosen to showcase its products at the conference. The company creates, manufactures and distributes materials and systems that have a ...
14 March 2017

Lawyers and advisors as conference partners

It is an immense source of satisfaction to us that the conferences we organise continue to gain more and more prestige across the sector. This is confirmed by the fact that two companies have decided to support our 8th Hotel Investment Conference. The content-related partner of the event is MDDP, which has built a team of over 70 specialists in VAT, customs ...
The latest Eurobuild hotel conference – and another success!The latest Eurobuild hotel conference – and another success!
13 May 2016

The latest Eurobuild hotel conference – and another success!The latest Eurobuild hotel conference – and another success!

POLAND Over 150 representatives – hoteliers, investors, local authorities, banks financing hotels and MICE sector representatives, owners and managers, etc. – got together at the 7th Hotel Investment Conference organised by Eurobuild Conferences. The conference took place at the PGE Narodowy centre on May 12th, 2016. The participants talked ...
Please make your appointments before the conference. Feel free to ask any questions and take part in any of the discussions during the event. Conference applications are now being accepted!
25 April 2016

Please make your appointments before the conference. Feel free to ask any questions and take part in any of the discussions during the event. Conference applications are now being accepted!

We encourage you to contact other conference participants before the event. Thanks to the mobile app we are providing, participants will be able to communicate with each other before the conference and make appointments on the day of the conference. For more information, please visit the ...
Astralpool, Everest, Brill AV Media and MDDP are now among the companies featuring at the conference
4 April 2016

Astralpool, Everest, Brill AV Media and MDDP are now among the companies featuring at the conference

The list of conference exhibitors has been added to by Astrapool, which will be showcasing its range of swimming pool products and services for hotels. Everest Climbing will also be among those present, demonstrating possibilities for active relaxation using climbing walls. Technology for the servicing of events held in hotels will be demonstrated by ...
Hotel Professionals to be conference partner.
22 February 2016

Hotel Professionals to be conference partner.

We are pleased to announce that Hotel Professionals is to be a partner of the 7th Hotel Investment Conference in Poland organised by Eurobuild Conferences. Hotel Professionals is a team of consultants that has been operating on the hotel market in Poland and other European countries for many years. The company has extensive experience in the sector, both ...
The 15th Office Market Conference. Trends & Outlook

The 15th Office Market Conference. Trends & Outlook

October 17th, 2024,Sound Garden Hotel,Warsaw


23 października 2024,,Restauracja Dock19 by Mateusz Gessler, Elektrownia Powiśle, ul. Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 43C, Warszawa
11th Commercial Real Estate Investment Conference

11th Commercial Real Estate Investment Conference

March 27th, 2025,Warsaw,Radisson Collection Hotel, Grzybowska 24
The 16th Office Market Conference. Trends & Outlook

The 16th Office Market Conference. Trends & Outlook

May 15th, 2025,Hotel Sound Garden, Żwirki i Wigury 18, Warsaw,
24th Annual Eurobuild Golf Tournament

24th Annual Eurobuild Golf Tournament

JUNE 6th, 2025,First Warsaw Golf,Rajszew
20. Letni Turniej Tenisa Eurobuild

20. Letni Turniej Tenisa Eurobuild

JUNE 6th, 2025,Klub Tenisowy Warszawianka,Warsaw


June 10th, 2025,Vienna House by Wyndham Andel’s Łódź,
21st Cee Warehouse & Logistics Conference

21st Cee Warehouse & Logistics Conference

SEPTEMBER 26th, 2025,Wioślarska 8, 00-411 Warsaw,The Tides
The 10th Hotel Investment Conference
Warsaw, Ząbkowska 29
Moxy Warsaw Praga